
Stone Guide

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Emeralds' signature is their their lush green hue, fascinating civilisations from ancient Egypt to the courts of Europe.Their vivid tones, available in various levels of clarity depending on taste and budget, evoke images of nature, renewal, and growth.

With a Mohs Hardness Scale rating of 7.5 to 8, emeralds offer sufficient durability for various jewellery styles, yet they are heat-sensitive and prone to cracking if directly knocked, making them well-suited for pendants or earrings. If chosen for an everyday ring, a protective setting style should be considered.

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Rubies exude opulence and allure, passion and vitality. They span shades from rose, to magenta, to deep red. Burmese rubies are renowned for their pigeon-blood red hue, while those from Mozambique tend to display a slightly purplish-red tone. Thai rubies often exhibit a pinkish undertone.

With a Mohs Hardness Scale rating of 9, rubies offer exceptional durability, making them ideal for a wide range of jewellery styles.

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Tourmaline, from the Sinhalese word "turmali" boasts a centuries-old history. Its almost limitless range of colours, multicoloured varieties, and versatility in shaping, facilitate diverse jewellery designs.

With a Mohs Hardness Scale rating of 7.0-7.5, tourmaline offers durability suitable for everyday wear, though care should be taken to avoid direct bumps or scratches.

Tourmalines often feature high clarity and comparable colours to other gems, making them attractive for price-conscious clients.

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Although most commonly known for their famous blue varieties, sapphires come in a startling variety of shades, from greens, to pinks, yellows, browns, and teal. Australian Parti sapphires are particularly beautiful, featuring multiple hues within one stone.

Sapphires are associated with tradition and wisdom, having adorned royal regalia since the time of the Ancient Greeks.

These gems have a Mohs Hardness Scale rating of 9, boasting high durability. They are ideal for the central stone of engagement rings, as well as smaller adornments, with gems as small as 1mm easily sourced.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli, prized for millennia for its deep blue colour and golden flecks of pyrite, holds a special place in history as one of the oldest gemstones known to mankind.

With a Mohs hardness rating of 5 to 5.5, lapis lazuli is relatively soft compared to other gemstones, making it susceptible to scratching and abrasion. Despite this, its rich hue and distinctive appearance have made it a favoured material for jewellery and decorative objects throughout history, with ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians using it for adornment, religious rituals, and even burial masks.